Saturday 19 October 2013

Sometimes, dare to dream...

I dreamt, last night, that blissful and most cruel of dreams; love and a sense of belonging, much more powerful than any form of lust.

Someone I had admired for such a long time, disclosed their respect and love for me, and I did not question it for a second, for these feelings were entirely reciprocated by myself and had been for some time.  It seemed so genuine, in the deepest part of my being, it felt right and real.

Quickly, we became inseparable, symbiosis, such as I had never before experienced, not just physically in tune, emotionally, intellectually, philosophically, so much so, I should have surely questioned it, but every cell of my being was so much in the moment, there was no space for doubt.  This was the me, that had always existed, and finally someone had not only noticed that person, but actually wanted her.

To wake from this, was sad, for sure; the sense of loss, colossal, even though the connection existed only in my mind.  I wanted to return to my blissful slumber, and stay there for a hundred years.

As you go about your busy daily life, getting from A to B, one eye on the calendar, the other, on the clock, sometimes, stop, and dare to dream...

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